29 de octubre de 2009


National Geographic publica en su última edición esta conmovedora fotografía de un mono que es trasladado para ser enterrado.

Un reportero de la revista entrevistó a la fotógrafa. Aquí un párrafo interesante

Szczupider, who had been a volunteer at the center, told me: “Her presence, and loss, was palpable, and resonated throughout the group. The management at Sanaga-Yong opted to let Dorothy's chimpanzee family witness her burial, so that perhaps they would understand, in their own capacity, that Dorothy would not return. Some chimps displayed aggression while others barked in frustration. But perhaps the most stunning reaction was a recurring, almost tangible silence. If one knows chimpanzees, then one knows that [they] are not [usually] silent creatures."

Aquí un poco más de la historia de Dorothy, via el blog de National Geographic.


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