11 de julio de 2011

El carisma de una institución educativa y el éxito profesional de sus egresadas

¿En que universidad estudiaron las mujeres más poderosas en los Estados Unidos? Un interesante artículo que publica la revista the Washington Monthly revela que la mayoría de ellas estudiaron en un colegio católico que muy probablemente nunca has escuchado.

Lo interesante del artículo (abajo el extracto de un párrafo) es que hace referencia al carisma institucional (o filosofía) y los hábitos que deja a sus estudiantes.

... But it was more than an accident of demography that made Trinity the source of so many remarkable women. It was also the highly progressive culture of the place, imprinted on the institution by the nuns who started it and still very much evident on the campus today. In Catholicism, different religious orders describe themselves as each having a distinct “charism.” The term refers partly to the basic mission of an order, but also to a more intangible set of attitudes—a spiritual temperament that traces back to the group’s founding. The charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur involves running schools for women and girls. More than that, though, it entails a spirit of ambitious enterprise and fierce autonomy —a refusal to take no for an answer in the face of institutional authority. The origins of this religious order stretch back 200 years and 4,000 miles across the Atlantic. They help explain the accomplishments of an impressive number of women shaping America today.

Aquí el artículo.


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