16 de mayo de 2011

Setenta años

Hace un par de semanas, George Will, columnista del Washington Post y un extraordinario aficionado al beisbol, cumplió 70 años. A propósito de la ocasión, nos ofrece su columna The Wonders of Being 70.

Aquí algunos párrafos:

... To be 70 is to have escaped the disagreeable fate of dying young...

... To be 70 is to have seen the nation put away the almost casual cruelty of racial segregation...

...To be 70 is to have been born shortly before Pearl Harbor, to have lived through the war that was already then raging, and the Cold War, and to have arrived at the sunny uplands of today. Yes, of course, man is still, and ever will be, born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. But never before in the human story has the risk of death by violence been smaller for such a large portion of humanity...

...To be 70 is to have been born about the time competent medicine was born, with the arrival of penicillin, other antibiotics and sulfa drugs. This is a reminder that contemporary America’s most pressing domestic problem is a consequence of success...

... To be 70 is to understand that time cannot wither, nor custom stale the infinite pleasure of simply trying to do things well, or witnessing others do them...

Aquí la columna completa.

Por cierto, hace varios meses, el autor fue entrevistado en Econtalk. Aquí el podcast George Will on America, Politics and Basebell.

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