Recientemente Google presentó un mapa que muestra el número de solicitudes que los gobiernos de distintos países han hecho a esa empresa para 1) eliminar o bajar información de su buscador o 2) entregar información a las autoridades de los usuarios de los productos de esa empresa.
Aquí parte de su explicación:
Like other technology and communications companies, we regularly receive requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services. We also receive requests for information about the users of our services and products from government agencies like local and federal police. The map shows the number of requests that we received between July 1, 2009 and December 31, 2009, with certain limitations.
In addition to requests received directly from government agencies, we’ve also included statistics on court orders for the removal of content, which often originate from private-party disputes. Other than that, the information says nothing about the volume of requests we get every day from private parties who want content removed from a Google product. We’re looking into ways to provide transparency into those numbers in the future.
Decisions about what content to remove or which user data requests to comply with can be complicated and difficult. We try to make as much information as possible available to our users and, at the same time, work hard to protect their privacy. For example, when we remove web pages from our search results in accordance with specific country laws, we remove them only from the search results for that country’s domain and not globally. When we receive a request for user information, we review it carefully and provide only information properly within the scope and authority of the request.
We believe that greater transparency will give citizens insight into these kinds of actions taken by their governments. We also hope this tool will be a valuable part of discussions about the appropriate scope and authority of government requests and that other companies will make similar disclosures.
Aquí la lista de los países con más solicitudes:
- Brasil
- Alemania
- India
- Estados Unidos
- Corea del Sur
Aquí la fuente y la información.
¿Y China, apá? Dale click en el mapa y verás porque no aparece en el listado.
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