9 de julio de 2009

Actos de tortura

El día de hoy el Washington Post publica como noticia principal (la nota de ocho columnas) un extenso reportaje sobre los abusos de derechos humanos en la llamada guerra contra el crimen en nuestro país.

Aquí la nota (es necesario registrarse pero no tiene costo).

Aquí unos pocos párrafos:

In Puerto Las Ollas, a mountain village of 50 people in the southern state of Guerrero, residents recounted how soldiers seeking information last month stuck needles under the fingernails of a disabled 37-year-old farmer, jabbed a knife into the back of his 13-year-old nephew, fired on a pastor, and stole food, milk, clothing and medication.

In Tijuana, across the border from San Diego, two dozen policemen who were arrested on drug charges in March alleged that, to extract confessions, soldiers beat them, held plastic bags over their heads until some lost consciousness, strapped their feet to a ceiling while dunking their heads in water and applied electric shocks, according to court documents, letters and interviews with their relatives and defense lawyers.

Además, desde hace varios meses, dos reporteros del periódico tienen el blog Mexico at War, Journey Along the Border. Revisarlo es un ejercicio interesante y muchas veces los reportajes contrastan con las versiones oficiales.


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