1 de septiembre de 2009

Medios y política, la autobiografía del Principe de las Tinieblas

... I also wrote profiles of legislators. One I remember was a retired farmer named William Purdy, serving his first and only two-year term as the representative from Norfolk. I think I was the only reporter to interview him. Purdy was a cipher, but he was a cipher on purpose. He had campaigned for the unicameral on these pledges: to serve only one term, to make no speeches on the floor, to introduce no bills, to vote against each and every bill to increase taxes or expand government. He faithfully kept all these promises...

Aquí un párrafo del libro que estoy leyendo, The Prince of Darkness de Robert Novak.

Hace algunos días falleció el autor, uno de los periodistas más influyentes de los Estados Unidos en los últimos 50 años. En su autobiografía, The Prince of Darkness, relata como fue subiendo en el escalafón de los medios norteamericanos y sus percepciones en torno al poder y la política norteamericana.

Respeto a los periodistas que ponen sobre la mesa su filosofía política y la informan a los lectores. Una práctica, sin duda, extraordinaria (no porque sea 'excelente' sino porque no es ordinaria).

...I am proud of my journalistic philosophy -to tell the world things people do not want me to reveal, to advocate limited government, economic freedom, and astrong, prudent America- and to have fun doing it. For the sober-sided younger generations of journalists, having fun may seem unserious. But it was the kind of journalism that prevailed when I started. I has a terrific time fulfilling all my youthful dreams and at the same time making life miserable for hypocritical, posturing politicians and, I hope, performing a service for my country...


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