21 de septiembre de 2009

El talento y la flexibilidad intelectual

Así inicia el obituario de Sergei Mikhalkov que publicó el 10 de septiembre el semanario británico The Economist.

TALENT without flexibility was a dangerous thing in the Soviet Union, as thousands found to their cost. Sergei Mikhalkov had talent aplenty, as a poet, playwright, children’s writer and satirist. But, more important, he was flexible. Mr Mikhalkov penned the words to two versions of the Soviet national anthem, one glorifying Stalin and one ignoring him. After Russia shrugged off communism he wrote a third version, to the same tune. In between he denounced two of the country’s greatest writers, Boris Pasternak and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Every regime he served gave him medals.

Aquí el texto completo del obituario.

Me parece que esta condición (los cambios de opinión generados por los cambios de régimen) no se limita a los poetas o a los rusos. Creo que tiende a ser universal.


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