2 de octubre de 2008

Que pasa en Zimbabwe (ahora lo señala el New York Times)

Lectores de este blog sabrán que le hemos dado seguimiento a la inflación en Zimbabwe. Bueno, hoy el New York Times publica un artículo bastante interesante sobre este asunto. Aquí el artículo.

Aquí los párrafos que más me impactaron:

... They were the 29th to arrive, all hoping for a chance to withdraw the maximum amount of Zimbabwean currency the government allowed last month — the equivalent of just a dollar or two... (Lección: el gobierno ha establecido un control de retiros del banco equivalente a uno o dos dólares diarios por persona).

... Zimbabwe is in the grip of one of the great hyperinflations in world history. The people of this once proud capital have been plunged into a Darwinian struggle to get by. Many have been reduced to peddlers and paupers, hawkers and black-market hustlers, eating just a meal or two a day, their hollowed cheeks a testament to their hunger... Like countless Zimbabweans, (Mrs. Moyo) has calculated the price of goods by the number of days she had to spend in line at the bank to withdraw cash to buy them: a day for a bar of soap; another for a bag of salt; and four for a sack of cornmeal... (Lección: el dinero local es inservible y ya no es un mecanismo que permite el intercambio... es más valioso como papel tapiz)

... Economists here and abroad say Zimbabwe’s economic collapse is gaining velocity, radiating instability into the heart of southern Africa. As the bankrupt government prints ever more money, inflation has gone wild, rising from 1,000 percent in 2006 to 12,000 percent in 2007 to a figure so high the government had to lop 10 zeros off the currency in August to keep the nation’s calculators from being overwhelmed. (Had it left the currency alone, $1 would now be worth about 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars.) ... (Lección: la inflación llega a niveles estratosféricos y la causa es la impresión de dinero)

Aquí y aquí dos entradas previas (también del problema inflacionario) en Zimbabwe.

Por cierto, hace algunos días la Associated Press (creo que fueron ellos y si no una disculpa a quien corresponda) publicaron esta foto del equivalente en moneda local a dos dólares norteamericanos:


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