19 de octubre de 2010

La palabra impresa no ha muerto

Tyler Cowen, profesor de George Mason University y coautor del blog Marginal Revolution, publica un texto en The Wilson Quarterly dando la bienvenida a los cambios culturales propios de nuestra época.

El artículo que, en español, se traduce como Tres Tweets por la Red incia de la siguiente manera:

The printed word is not dead. We are not about to see the demise of the novel or the shuttering of all the bookstores, and we won’t all end up on Twitter. But we are clearly in the midst of a cultural transformation. For today’s younger people, Google is more likely to provide a formative cultural experience than The Catcher in the Rye or Catch-22 or even the Harry Potter novels. There is no question that books are becoming less central to our cultural life. The relative decline of the book is part of a broader shift toward short and to the point. Small cultural bits—written words, music, video—have never been easier to record, store, organize, and search, and thus they are a growing part of our enjoyment and education. The classic 1960s rock album has given way to the iTunes single. On YouTube, the most popular videos are usually just a few minutes long, and even then viewers may not watch them through to the end. At the extreme, there are Web sites offering five-word movie and song reviews, six-word memoirs (“Not Quite What I Was Planning”), seven-word wine reviews, and 50-word minisagas.

El artículo es excelente. La versión original del artículo Three Tweets for the Web (aquí).


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