17 de agosto de 2009

One mother's heartbreaking 9-11 story

El periódico inglés The Times publica la conmovedora historia de una madre en torno al 11 de septiembre.

Aquí el artículo.

Aquí unos párrafos:

We pooled our resources and moved into our dream family home at the end of 2000. The house was in a real state and we set about gutting and renovating it. I’d just had my 32nd birthday and was concerned that if we were going to start a family we should think about it sooner rather than later. The house might be in a state but it could take several years to conceive.

Two months later Simon was reading his paper when I leant over and showed him the blue mark.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“It’s telling us we’re going to be parents!”

Standing there in the bomb site of a house we realised the task we’d just set ourselves. Every night and weekend we stripped paint and cleaned floors while workmen rewired and damp-proofed. When I was five months pregnant I wire-wooled the old parquet floor on all fours. We lived upstairs and moved back down only in July 2001.

It is worth it.


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