16 de noviembre de 2011

Veinte segundos es suficiente para saber si puedes confiar en un extraño

Science Daily publica un artículo interesante sobre extraños y primeras impresiones.

Con base en estudios realizados en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, es posible identificar en veinte segundos si un extraño está genéticamente inclinado a ser compasivo y sincero. Aquí lo que menciona el artículo sobre la metodología:

Two dozen couples participated in the UC Berkeley study, and each provided DNA samples. Researchers then documented the couples as they talked about times when they had suffered. Video was recorded only of the partners as they took turns listening.

A separate group of observers who did not know the couples were shown 20-second video clips of the listeners and asked to rate which seemed most trustworthy, kind and compassionate, based on their facial expressions and body language.

The listeners who got the highest ratings for empathy, it turned out, possess a particular variation of the oxytocin receptor gene known as the GG genotype...

... Widely known as the "cuddle" or "love" hormone, oxytocin is secreted into the bloodstream and the brain, where it promotes social interaction, bonding and romantic love, among other functions.

Aquí el artículo.


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